Torah For Today
(scenarios) What would you do?
- You play soccer. One of your teammates isn’t very good, and consistently misses goals and passes. Your team loses. How do you treat this particular team mate?
- You love chocolate! You find a bowl filled with Hershey Kisses that your mom left out for guests. No one is around. Should you take a few?
- You’ve insulted a friend of yours. How do you apologize?
- You were throwing a frisbee around and by accident broke a neighbor’s window. What do you do?
What Does This Parshah Mean to Me?
- Sacrifices were for specific purposes – they were ways to ask for forgiveness for bad deeds or sins. How do you take personal responsibility?
- This portion has a lot of rituals. What do you think the word “ritual” means? What purpose do rituals serve in your life?
- How do you observe the Day of Atonement?
- Why do you think what we eat would be connected to the idea of holiness?
- Do you need to dress up differently when you go to services? Why? Do you think it makes a difference?