The 12 Spies
Parshat Shelach Lecha
Numbers Chapters 13:1 to 15:41
When the people reached the borders of Canaan, Moses sent 12 scouts to spy out the land. When they returned 40 days later, 10 of the spies reported that the Canaanites were too powerful to conquer. But Joshua and Caleb disagreed, urging the people to enter and take possession of the land. Hearing the report of the spies the people demanded to return to Egypt.
In response, G-d sentenced the entire slave generation to wander for 40 years and die in the desert, except for Joshua and Caleb. The people marched out to fight the Canaanites but were crushed in battle.
G-d commanded that when the Israelites settled in their new land, they would need to make special sacrifices and wear tzitzit, fringes on each corner of their garments as a reminder of G-d’s presence.
- Canaan
- 12 spies
- Land
- 40 days
- 10
- Slaves
- Desert
- Commanded
- Sacrifices
- Fringes/tzitzit