Genesis 32:4 – 36:43
Genesis chapter 32, verse 4 to chapter 36, verse 43
Torah For Today
(scenarios) What would you do?
- Your brother is being bullied. What do you do?
- You have a really big argument with your sister. You don’t speak to one another for a long time. How do you make up?
- How do you struggle with hard things, like fears, or feelings or ideas?
What Does This Parshah Mean to Me?
- Why do you think Jacob insisted that the stranger bless him?
- Why do you think Jacob’s name was changed to Israel?
- After the encounter with the stranger at night, how did Jacob change again?
- Who do you think the stranger was? What does it teach you?
- The story of Dinah is troubling. Do you think that Jacob’s sons should have been punished for what they did?