Genesis 25:19 – 28:9
Genesis chapter 25, verse 19 to chapter 28, verse 9
Toldot Values
What are they?
Shalom Bayit
- What do you do to help keep things calm and peaceful in your family?
- Give examples of Shalom Bayit.
- Do you have a friend who lives in a house that doesn’t have Shalom Bayit? What can you do to help?
Another view for you:
Read this article and answer some questions: http://valuesandethics.org/breaking-the-cycle-of-deceit/
- Have you ever had a prank pulled on you? How did you feel?
- If you’ve pulled a prank on another person, how did it affect them and how did you feel about it afterwards?
- Have you ever had your actions come back to haunt you?