Genesis 6:9-11:32
Genesis chapter 6, verse 9 to chapter 11, verse 32
Torah For Today
(Scenarios) What would you do?
- You are with your friend and they decide to paint graffiti on a wall at school. What do you do?
- You are at a family party. Your uncle drinks a little too much and starts acting really silly, embarrassing himself and his family. What do you do?
- Have you ever been in a hurricane or other type of natural disaster? What do you do to prepare? What do you do after the event passes?
What Does This Parshah Mean to Me?
- Noah is described as being “Righteous in his generation”. What does this mean?
- How can you be righteous in your generation?
- What are the different ways of understanding what “righteous” means?
- What do you think the difference is between clean and unclean animals?
- What do you think it means that the world was evil and corrupt?
- What does the fact that Ham is punished teach you?
- What do you think it means that people were punished when they tried to build a tower to heaven?
- Who was Abram?