Exodus 6:2-9:30

Exodus chapter 1, verse 6 to chapter 9, verse 30

Vaeira Values

What are they?

  1. Faith
    1. What is the definition of the word “faith”? How would you define it?
    2. What do you have faith in?
    3. What do you do to show that you have faith?
  2. responsibility,
    1. What do you think “taking responsibility” really means?
    2. If you hurt someone’s feelings, how do you try to “make it better”?
    3. What does the word “repentance” mean? How do you repent to another person? To God?
    4. Sometimes we hurt others, and sometimes they hurt us. What is the danger of bearing a grudge? What is forgiveness really mean?
  3. Covenant/Relationship
    1. What’s a covenant? How is it like a relationship?
    2. What covenants do you have in your life?
    3. What do you do to make sure these covenants are not broken?
  4. Leadership
    1. What’s your definition of a good leader?
    2. What’s the difference between a good and bad leader?
    3. Do you feel that you are or can be a leader? How?


Another view for you:

Parents and kids: Read this article together and discuss the questions below: http://valuesandethics.org/accepting-responsibility/

  1. Which responsibilities are hardest for you?
  2. What do you think might help you meet these responsibilities?
  3. How do we balance our time in order to meet our responsibilities but not feel overwhelmed?