Exodus 38:21-40:38

Exodus chapter 38, verse 21 to chapter 40, verse 38

Pekudei Values

What are they?


  1. What is the definition of the word “faith”? How would you define it?
  2. What do you have faith in?
  3. What do you do to show that you have faith?


  1. What’s a covenant? How is it like a relationship?
  2. What covenants do you have in your life?
  3. What do you do to make sure these covenants are not broken?


  1. What does holiness mean? How do we become holy?
  2. How does worship make us holy?
  3. The Hebrew word for sacrifice is Korban – קוֹרבָּן, which is also related to the English word for coming closer. Sacrifices were the way ancient people worshiped God. How do you think worship is connected to drawing closer and also to sacrifices?


Another view for you:

Parents and kids: Read this article together and discuss the questions below: http://valuesandethics.org/does-our-behavior-match-our-priorities-2/

  1. How do you feel when you spend money?
  2. Are you conscious of the value of money in meeting your priorities?
  3. What are other ways to realize your priorities without spending money?