Exodus 30:11-34:35
Exodus chapter 30, verse 11 to chapter 34, verse 35
Torah for Today
(scenarios) What would you do?
- Your friend has to run an errand for his parents. She asks you to wait for her. She takes a long time and you see some of your other friends going to a movie. What do you do?
- Think about your upcoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah. What can you do to make it look and feel really special?
What Does This Parshah Mean to Me?
- Why is keeping Shabbat so important, according to this portion?
- Why do you think incense was so important to the worship service? What makes it special?
- Why did God tell Moses to take a census? How do we take one today?
- Why do you think Moses rejected God’s offer when he found out about the golden calf?
- Why do you think Aaron was willing to build the idol?
- How were the people punished? Do you think that was justified?