Deuteronomy 3:23-7:11
Deuteronomy chapter 1, verse 1 to chapter 3, verse 22
Va’etchanan Values
What are they?
- What is a commandment?
- What types of commandments do you know about?
- Why and when should you obey commandments?
- What is the definition of the word “faith”? How would you define it?
- What do you have faith in?
- What do you do to show that you have faith? .
- Think of your favorite teacher. Why is she or he your favorite? What characteristics or qualities does he or she embody?
- A Jewish philosopher (named Maimonides – look him up) wrote that loving God means to study, not just the Torah, but also non-Jewish subjects, like science or mathematics. Why do you think that is? (Here’s a hint: God created the universe).
- What do you think is more important – study or action?
- What’s a covenant? How is it like a relationship?
- What covenants do you have in your life?
- What do you do to make sure these covenants are not broken?
Another view for you:
Parents and kids: Read this article together and discuss the questions below:
- When was a time you hurt someone and didn’t realize it? How did you act when you found out?
- Have you been hurt by someone who didn’t know? Did you choose to tell the person, and if so, how?
- How often do you think of the consequences before you do something?