Deuteronomy 31:1-30
Deuteronomy chapter 30, verse 1 to verse 30
Torah For Today
(scenarios) What would you do?
- Your parents specifically tell you NOT to go to a specific movie. You ignore them and sneak in with some of your friends. They find out and ground you for a month. How do you feel? What do you learn from this experience?
- Think about something special that you do or know. How do you teach someone else about this?
What Does This Parshah Mean to Me?
- Why do you think the people needed to hear the law read to them?
- Do you really think Moses was 120 years old? What do you think this might teach us?
- God reminds the people that when they enter the land, they will start to disobey God’s laws. Why do you think God said this?
- Why do you think the law was put into the Ark?
- What was the purpose of the poem that God commanded Moses to read?