Family Education Holidays Sundays | 10:00 am & 4:30 pm       Tuesday and Wednesday | 5:15 pm

Temple Beth Shalom

Parents and grandparents are invited to join us during Judaic Studies class on the dates below. Learn and explore our Jewish traditions together as a family! Siblings are welcome. Rabbi Rader and the Neshamah faculty lead this family experience.

High Holy Days for Families
Sunday 10.14.18 Tuesday 10.16.18 Wednesday 10.17.18
Hanukah for Families
Sunday 12.02.18 Tuesday 12.04.18 Wednesday 12.05.18
Tu B’Shvat for Families
Sunday 01.20.19 Tuesday 01.22.19 Wednesday 01.23.19
Passover for Families
Sunday 04.14.19 Tuesday 04.16.19 Wednesday 04.17.19
Israel for Families
Sunday 05.19.19 Tuesday 05.21.19 Wednesday 05.22.19