The Neshamah Institute is a collaboration of talented volunteers and faculty dedicated to bringing the highest level of Jewish education to the South Florida community.

Anita did most of her cantorial and general music studies in the Washington, D.C. area. Between 1991 and 2015 she served congregations in Maryland, New Jersey, and Evanston, IL, and most recently in Manchester, CT for 14 years. Her scope of work in most of her pulpits included teaching in the Hebrew schools and b’nai mitzvah training as well as adult education.
In addition to teaching at NI, Anita is the Co-Music Editor of an anthology of compositions by members of the Women Cantors’ Network, and Music Editor of an anthology of Jewish feminist compositions, both to be published in 2019-20.

She has taught children and adolescents for six years in Israel as a substitute Hebrew and Jewish art teacher. In 2010, she relocated to Florida with her husband, and completed her Master’s in Social Work at Barry University.
Limor perceives teaching Hebrew and Judaism as a mission. She is excited to be part of Neshamah Institute.

Lori has worked as a teacher for the past 30 years at various Jewish schools throughout Chicago and South Florida. In Chicago she headed the Midwest region for recruitment to the Alexander Muss High School in Israel. For the last ten years, Lori has been preparing both youth and adults for becoming a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in Broward and Palm Beach County. She has also worked with various synagogues organizing and educating the congregation in becoming skilled and inspiring Torah readers.
Lori is married with three grown sons. She is an active participant in triathlons and currently resides in Parkland, Florida.

In 2013, Shlomit joined JFS (Jewish Family Services) to work as a Counseling Outreach Coordinator. Her work includes partnering with The Neshamah Institute in providing services including (but not limited to): case management, counseling, psychiatric services, financial assistance, meals on wheels, food pantry, and various senior services including assistance to holocaust survivors, as well as assistance with rides, companions, and friendly visitors.
Shlomit is also available to consult about specific topics including: divorce and changing families, special needs, eating disorders, domestic violence, senior services, loss and bereavement and much more. The possibility of an in home assessment may be available.
Please feel free to contact Slomit directly at 561-852-3326 or email

In 2001, Susan and her husband were blessed with a baby boy. Susan left the classroom at this time and began interviewing and assessing children for entrance into a local private school. There, she helped students PK3 through 12th grade feel more comfortable and secure while working in a testing environment. More recently, Susan’s family celebrated a wonderful event when their son became a Bar Mitzvah. Rabbi Rader guided them through this most joyous and meaningful occasion in their lives. Susan was so inspired that she wanted to go back to her Jewish roots and began teaching at the Neshamah Institute.
She currently prepares students who are studying for their upcoming B’nai Mitzvahs and looks forward to bringing Jewish studies into the lives of the children in our community.